Welcome to Scuba Bill's website 

Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm


Returning to Diving

As we all know, the longer we don't practice something, the more rusty our skills become.  Diving is an incredible sport, but it also is a gear and skill intensive sport.  The…


Another often asked question - is what sunscreen should I choose?  This seems like a straightforward question - and often you will hear folks say - a "reef safe" one. …

Anxiety and Diving

In my most recent discover scuba class, a participant approached me to let me know that she had previously tried DSD and had not been able to complete it because of anxiety. …

Please, touch nothing, if not for the animals, then for you

As Aliyyah Eniath wrote, "take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time."  Even what may look like simple uninhabited sand could be creatures…


After mask clearing, equalizing your ears is the next most common concern and issue I hear from divers.   There are a variety of equalization techniques and you should use the…

Know your limits, plan your dive, dive your plan

I recently attended a DAN training that had a very good video (also posted in the links page of this website - but here it is too:  https://youtu.be/-daC10SMwjg).  The more we…